Sunday, November 13, 2011

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

I want to pick up and move to a foreign country. I want to go to Australia or Dubai or anywhere and teach English. Leave with no real plan and enjoy the ride. 

Considering I had my entire apartment mentally furnished 3 months before I moved out, stepping out with no thoughts as to how I will provide for myself scares me immensely. But it is also exciting at the same time. I could save up a lot of money and come home in a year better off financially than if I had stayed in the states and worked for 2 years. Not to mention it would be an experience I've never had before. 

There is nothing stopping me... I have no significant other, kids or real responsibilities. I could just quit my job (even though I do enjoy where I work and with whom I work) and move to another country. Make it up as I go. Meet people in the local market. Work in a cafe while I travel. Learn a new language. Try new foods and customs. 

All I need is the plane ticket.

1 comment:

Marci Heider said...

I adore you! You inspire me! Seattle, here I come!!