Saturday, October 29, 2011

I May Regret This...

... but I am starting a blog. I don't even know what the heck I'm going to write about. 

I figure I'll be working 12 hour days here in a few weeks so it will give me something to do to pass the time. 

Anything I say on here is personal opinion and not directed towards any one person in specific. It makes me nervous to think that this is on the internet for anyone to read, but such is life in the technological age. You put it out there, you deal with the consequences. I can't promise everything will flow or completely make sense, but that is not what this is about for me. It is a place I can ramble as needed and say anything I want. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it!

As for the blog name, I chose cette bella vie, this beautiful life, in French as a play off my longstanding username ce bel amour, this beautiful love. I am at a place in life that while it would be nice to experience beautiful love, I am enjoying the beautiful life and second chance I've been given. The love will come in time.

I don't expect thousands of readers and I don't want them. I'm not asking for accolades or praise, sometimes I just feel the need to write. Might be an introspective, heartfelt post or I might vent about the idiot who cut me off on the interstate. 

So if you always secretly wanted me to write a blog, you now have have your wish.